College Funding &
Financial Aid services

While your student plans for their “dream school,” you don’t want to turn your finances into a nightmare. We’ve got you covered. We work together with you as a team to reduce costs, ease stress, and eliminate costly mistakes.

*Devise strategies to pay your share of college costs

*Keep your estimated family contribution down

*Maximize your eligibility for financial aid

*Create a workable financial plan

*Provide confidence in your retirement strategies

*Review your financial aid forms

*Eliminate costly mistakes Optimize your chances for financial aid

*Professionally evaluate aid estimates & awards

*Assist with appeal letters if necessary

Research and Guidance

We help guide your family through the complex college planning process. From establishing a college savings account, to sorting through schools based on specific criteria, to a premier program covering admissions, applications, and mentoring, we offer solutions to help create a workable college plan that creates a roadmap to success without jeopardizing retirement.

*Financial planning advice for affording college without jeopardizing retirement

*Interactive portal for college search

*Consistent notifications, timelines, and to-do lists to ensure you and your student stay on track and meet deadlines

*College and financial coaching

*Step-by-step guide to financial aid, as well as FAFSA and CSS Profile assistance

*Secure upload of required personal and financial documents

*A one-on-one meeting to develop a viable college list, or to discuss any other admissions and application topics

Student Services

There are many facets to the college search and admissions process.

Our College Aid portal provides helpful tools, resources, and the latest news on college applications and admissions, including:

Federal and Institutional SAI calculations

Chance of enrollment analysis

Affordability profile by school Roadmap for success

Checklists for deadlines and applications

Printable resources

Securities offered through: Fortune Financial Services Member FINRA & SIPC Investment Advisory Services offered through Interactive Financial Advisors, Inc. Interactive Financial Advisors, Someone Who Cares, and Fortune Financial Services are not affiliated.